Do you need to have a blog do you your project selected? No! Feel free to submit links to flikr or picasa photos, but make sure to tell us about the project you're sharing on the submission form. If the project has a URL, then you can submit it!
Can I submit more than one project? Absolutely, just let there be some time in between your submissions, and limit yourself to one submission per url at a time. Of course, feel free to make multiple submissions in a day, just make sure they are from different sources. Submit a blog post, a youtube video and a picture that are all your work, as long as the links you're providing are from different websites.
What are the different projects that can be featured?
- Knitting Patterns - Knitting patterns can be featured as projects of the day, to honor the work of knitting designers. The patterns don't even have to be free!
- Completed Projects - The everyday knitter can have any of her completed knitting projects featured as Knitting Project of the Day. I love to hear the story behind the construction of an object, in addition to fantastic photographs.
- Knitting Blogs - Is there a blog that is something any knitter should check out? Tell me why the entire blog is so fantastic, and I may feature the entire blog as a whole or choose a post from that blog to feature.
- Photos - This is part of completed projects, but I understand that not every knitter runs their own blog. Submit your knitting photos in your online photo albums (flickr, picasa, etc), tell me a bit about you on the submission form and let me share it with the world. I also love images of unusual and extreme knitting projects.
- Books - Tell me about your favorite knitting book, and why you think it is a fantastic knitting book.
- Videos - Whether it is a knitting tutorial or if it is a video of some kind of unusual knitting activity, I look for quality and entertainment value.
- Knitting Charity Event - If there is a charity knitting event coming up, let me promote it here at KPotD, but make sure to include the date. I will also feature Charities in general, and provide information on how different knitters can contribute to the cause. Since it can take time for items to be published as KPotD, please indicate if there is a time sensitive nature to the event so I can feature it sooner.
- What else? (Other) - If it is knitting related and you think it is fantastic, there is a good chance I will agree with you. If you rant about weaving in loose ends, or you provide knitting classes, tell me about it. Anything that is knitting related has a chance to be featured.